Sunday, April 23, 2017

what. & Make Happy

I had posted this to my other blog in 2013, but have recently shut that blog down due to a lack of posting to it. I have decided to re post this with a new spin on things. Let's see what I think of both of Bo Burnham's comedy shows after having watched them numerous times now.

If you don't know who Bo Burnham is, I'll tell you what I know. Bo is a 26 year old comedian. He had a really funny TV show that unfortunately was cancelled. Which I don't know why, I liked it a lot and would love to see more. I spent an afternoon watching the entire series of Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous. I found it really funny, and a nice change to the typical way comedy is done on television. The show was released on MTV from May-June of 2013, and is recently on if you would like to check it out (an can access the American site of MTV).

Bo also has a poetry book out called Egghead Or You Can't Survive On Ideas Alone. It's in stores and on Amazon, you should check it out. I bought it and it is a great book, I have read it way too many times. You'll get little poems like this one, it's called Toast:
"I'd like to propose a toast:
sourdough pumpkin bread.