Saturday, February 14, 2015

Trail To Oregon

I had been waiting for this to be released for quite some time now. Finally it's here. Trail To Oregon. No I'm not talking about the game, I'm talking about the latest Starkid musical to be posted to their YouTube page. I had no idea what time of the day it would be posted. Well, it was up on YouTube at midnight (one in the morning for me, EST). I knew something was going on when I saw a tweet from Joey Richter about the album being up on iTunes. I went to iTunes to get a preview of the songs and I must admit, they are pretty awesome. I had decided to wait until actually watching the musical to buy the album and listen to all the songs completely.

I had no idea what to expect from this at all. I heard so many different things about it during the summer. Since no two shows are alike I kept wondering what the YouTube version would end up being.

Well, let's start by saying that the musical was actually great. I was laughing so hard that I kind of started hurting. It's been a while since I laughed that hard. I knew Nick and Matt Lang were great writers as well as Brian Holden (who did some additional writing), but I had no idea how great a writer Jeff Blim was. Since I'm talking about the writing lets just keep going. From the moment that everyone was first on stage I couldn't wait to see what happened. The way conversations were held, the way songs fit perfectly and the way they had the audience participate. They did an amazing job writing this. I kind of didn't want it to end, but we all knew it had to. One thing that I really liked was that there were five different endings. Yes, I went through all of them. I started with the son, then went to the daughter, then grandpa, then mother; finally ending with the father...Jeff Blim. I have to say, out of all the endings, my favourite was "Father Dies."

Now, we all know that the writing was great, but no script can come to life without great acting. The actors were amazing as usual. I think that all the Starkid actors have such true talents. Everyone works so well together. Which is good, since from what I know they have all known each other for years. Let's go through this one by one. Corey, was really great, made me laugh so much with the way he portrayed Grandpa. Rachael as the over-bearing mother...she was awesome. The only other thing I had seen her do was portray Jasmine in Starkid's other muscial; Twisted. I can say that I wasn't surprised that I liked her in this musical just as much as I did watching her in Twisted. Lauren portraying a boy, yet again. I have to say, she had me believing she was a boy. Lauren is amazing in any role you give her. Jaime as well, I will still always love her more as Ginny. Though she was really great in this as well. As for Joey, well, what can I say? Joey is awesome in anything, to see him expand his characters (which he had quite a few in this) by giving them different voices was fabulous. Though as I was watching I could see Joey's actual personality and love for what he does shine through every character. That actually goes for everyone who was in the show; every in Starkid as well. When you see them up on stage performing and you see that little smile on their face that you know wasn't in the script, you just know they love what they do. Anyway; finally, lets talk about Jeff. The really star of this show. He wrote the book, he wrote the music and lyrics, he starred in it, he even played his saxophone. His acting was astounding. I really loved seeing his psycho side of his character (is it just me or do all his characters have a psycho side?) I just have to say, I was blown away by everyone's acting.

Speaking of Jeff writing the music and lyrics for this as well. Lets talk about the songs. I knew they would all sound a bit western, but I didn't think I would like every single one. It's rare when I like every song on a soundtrack or in a musical. I even wanted to dance along, everything was so catchy and everyone sounded amazing. The costumes and set were pretty great as well. They really helped tie everything together. You can't have a musical about something without the proper set and costumes.

I'm really glad that they brought this musical to life. It was refreshing to see something different come out. I have been watching reboots/remakes come out, one after another. I was glad to see that this was coming out. I am always glad to see something from Starkid come out. I don't care how long it takes for them to release something. I know how busy they are and how it takes time to make something amazing.

You should go check it out when you get the chance: The Trail To Oregon

- Nicbeemz

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