Saturday, September 27, 2014

Not Cool

I just watched Not Cool for the second time since it was released on Tuesday. I had pre-ordered it and watched it almost right away after I bought it. I may have watched it early in the morning first time watching it, but I laughed so hard both times I watched it. If you are a Shane Dawson fan like I am then you will understand the comedy in this movie. If not, then prepare yourself for some totally out there comedy. I'm going to try and give the best review I can, without giving away too much.

The movie starts at a party, and is narrated by Tori (played by Cherami Leigh). We then see a glimpse of her what her high school experience was like and how it doesn't matter when you go to college. We are then introduced to her mother, father and sister. I was already laughing at this point, partially from the man that plays the homeless person sitting next to Tori. He has some pretty ridiculous lines.

After that we see Scott (played by Shane Dawson). He is reunited with his girlfriend. They have a moment in the men's washroom, which is why this movie is rated R (according to what I read on IMDb). The scene ends with Scott's girlfriend breaking up with him.

We are then taken to a high school that is ending it's day. We meet Joel (played by Drew Monson) and Janie (played by Michelle Veintimilla). Joel used to go to that school. He had/still has a crush on Janie who is Scott's sister.

Enough with explaining every moment in the movie. I don't want to give everything away. I loved how everything moment of the movie was laid out perfectly. It's an easy storyline to follow. After what I explained with meeting the characters there are way more hilarious moments. There are more scenes that have to do with sex, drugs, alcohol. So many things that are inappropriate for children. Like I said, from what I read I'm pretty sure this is an R rated movie. Though it is totally worth a watch if you are of age to see it. There are also quite a few sentimental moments that made me really love the movie too. I love movies that can make you go from happy to 'Aww' in seconds. That's exactly what this movie did.

The filming and camera work was really well done. There were a few moments where the camera is moving and you can tell it's not on a tripod at the time. Though that didn't bother me at all. It happens in a lot of movies, trust me. I've seen enough movies to know. The writing, it was really good. I've tried writing just a play for my drama class in high school. I was horrible at it, so I find that people who can write screenplays pretty talented. Shane did an amazing job directing the movie. I'm excited to see him direct more things in the future. The casting was brilliant. You may see a few familiar faces if you follow Shane on YouTube. I know I did. Though the people they had for the main cast was really good.

In the end, I would suggest that you check out the movie. I mean, who doesn't want to watch this...

If you want to you can head over to iTunes and buy it. You won't regret it if you do.

I don't know if Shane will read this, but I'll leave this here to see if he does read this review.
           I'm proud of you Shane for working hard at what you love to make something amazing.

- Nicbeemz

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