Saturday, November 1, 2014

Ani: A Parody

Today is the day! No I'm not talking about Halloween, I'm talking about the YouTube release of Ani. I had the chance to watch it right away like I wanted because Starkid seemed to have a few minor setbacks with the uploading process to YouTube. I'm sure we've all had that problem at some point or another. I didn't care how long it took them to upload, I was going to watch it no matter what. Even if I did watch it at 1 in the morning. Now let's get to the review.

Let's start by saying, you need to have watched Star Wars to get the jokes. I grew up with Star Wars and I'm glad I did. Act 1 had so much in it. Introducing characters, seting up the story, music and dance. It was brilliant. I love how Starkid can take a story that I grew up with and know so much about and turn it into something different that I enjoy. I know Star Wars and I know the original story, yet this story makes me want to keep watching to see what else they did to it. So far this story is reminding a bit like their other musical Twisted. Taking the evil villain role and turning them into a lovable character. Like I've said before, Nick and Matt Lang are brilliant writers. Also, before I go any further I have a to mention the music. All the music so far is awesome. I feel like dancing along when I hear it. The guys of Talkfine are just amazing. I really enjoyed the music (all of it). Speaking of music, ca I just say that the choreography is amazing and really well done.

Act 2; let's talk about the acting (which counts throughout the whole musical). A story can never come to life without great actors. Everyone in the cast was amazing, they delivered their lines, and jokes perfectly. I have always loved the acting of every cast member of Starkid. Though with this musical, they made me love their acting even more. The set was really well done, along with all the costumes. They've really outdone themselves with this one. I was pleasantly surprised when I saw how genuine the costumes were. It really made the musical a whole to have all the costumes look true to Star Wars.

I truly enjoyed this Starkid musical. I think it may even be my new favourite musical of theirs. Now onto the links of where everyone reading this should go.

Watch the musical here on YouTube, buy the album on iTunes. You can even check out their Ani merch at along with many other great Starkid merch.

- Nicbeemz

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