Sunday, December 14, 2014

Seriously. Not A Joke.

Tonight was the livestream (and final night) for Seriously. Not A Joke. Since I couldn't make it to the show, I made sure to get a ticket to the livestream. If you are not familiar with the Tin Can Brothers then I will tell you about best I can.

The Tin Can Brothers are Brian Rosenthal, Corey Lubowich & Joey Richter. Three awesome guys that work hard at what they do to make great videos. You can tell that they love what they do, by the passion they put into their videos. They have been making sketch comedy videos once a week on their YouTube channel since February 03, 2014. They made a Kickstarter for an online lemonade stand (which was successful). Yes, I was one of the backers for their Kickstarter, but if you watched the video and have been following the Tin Can Brothers since the beginning then you would have backed them as well. They also now have merchandise available at Ann Arbor Tees. The designs are really cool. I'm sure that when I order mine and where them around my town no one will understand. Though I would be more than happy to spread the word about the Tin Can Brothers around this small town here in Canada.

Anyway, back to the Tin Can Brothers. I can honestly say, out of all the comedy videos I have seen on YouTube theirs are up there with the best. I am not one of those people that sit down and watch every video on all the channels I am subscribed to. Though they are the only channel that I have managed to keep up with and watch every video. If you aren't subscribed I suggest you do that. If you love to laugh then you'll love their videos. Well, I think that's all I know what to say besides constantly telling you how amazing, genuine and hilarious they are. Though if you want to read more about them then you can read what they have as a bio on their YouTube site. Though it is different on their site
"The Tin Can Brothers is a Los Angeles based sketch comedy group formed by Brian Rosenthal, Corey Lubowich, and Joey Richter.
Their father, Lionel Tincan, was born the son of a lowly farm hand in Mississippi, but rose to great heights during America's early industrial period. Instilled with their father's drive for greatness and sensible taste in fashion, the boys moved west at a young age to pursue their own visions of grandeur. Young Joey, the dreamer, Corey, the muscle, and Brian, the engineer, pooled their earnings from a summer carnival kissing booth in order to buy their first digital video camera; something unheard of at the turn of the century. Equipped with unimaginable technology and power the boys could have done anything. But they didn't. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. Now in 2014, with advent of much better technology, these living and breathing anachronisms have decided to dust off the old digital picture box and make some talkies."

Now let's get on with the review about the show, because that's what we're really here for.

#SNAJ (Seriously. Not A Joke.) what a hashtag, right? Well, knowing these guys I am not surprised that the hashtag stuck. I had been excited to see this show since I watched the video they posted about them putting on this live show. Since I live in Canada and can't make it to the show I was even more excited to hear that they would have a livestream. I was emailed the link to the livestream almost 8 hours before the show was going to start. Which I am actually glad I got the link that early. I was able to make sure I had all my own stuff done before sitting down to watch the show. I had the link open and ready for when the show started. Even though it started at 11:15pm my time. I was okay with the time. No inconvenience here, I'm a night person.

Though a few hours before the show started the Tin Can Brothers tweeted out a few things. (pictured left). I am glad I have twitter go directly to my phone or else I would be confused while watching the show. At first I started reading and thinking I'll be missing out, then I saw that I would get to watch them properly at another time and was relieved. I'm just glad that I won't have to worry if something happened to the livestream or my computer while watching the show.

So, let's start talking about the show. The livestream started right on time. The guys came out and introduced the show (which I didn't really expect) and I just have to assume that the first scene was muted like the guys mentioned earlier. The few muted scenes that were in there made me feel like I was watching an old Charlie Chaplin movie. Silent, but you can still see the comedy in it. The acting was amazing. You could tell everyone was comfortable being up there. It makes a show better when all the actors are comfortable being on stage. Even the audience member they brought up seemed comfortable. I just have to say too, when they had the audience member up on stage Joey looked like a kid on Christmas morning. The look on his face made my night.

Let's just talk about the guest actors for a second here as well. I had only heard of two of the actors they had with them. Brant Cox, who I have seen before from Starkid shows. As well as Jordan Kelley, who I seen before from Porthole Productions. The others; Al Fallick, Ashley Skidmore and Emily Hanley I have never heard of. Though they were all amazing. I like seeing new actors and what they can bring to the stage. Whether they were actors I have seen before or not, it all comes down to whether they are good or not. I must say, everyone was amazing.

Sometimes though, even if you have good actors, you can't have a great show without a good script. Good thing this show had a good script. I was laughing the entire time. Even if the title itself says it's not a joke. The props helped visualize things a lot more. From the guns, to the constant cigarettes, to the meth. The props helped tie everything together. Also, at one point did I see a 'Here lies Brant 1904-2014' tombstone? And what are props without costumes? The massive amount of costume changes in the one scene was brilliant. To use basically every costume there in one scene, amazing. Also, involving the audience is always a crowd pleaser. Once you have the actors in the audience you never know what to expect. I loved every second of it and was constantly wishing I was there.

The number of people watching had gone up and down a few times, but stayed above 70 every time I looked. I closed the chat just in case people decided to talk during the show. I didn't want to be distracted. I think I will be watching this again while I can. I am glad that the Tin Can Brothers decided to do this show. It was hilarious, they are hilarious, everyone they had in the show was amazing. I don't know how else to say that it was great. I hope they have a chance to put on another live show sometime.

I really don't know what else to say, sure you could see a few technical problems here and there with the sound because of the muting and un-muting. Though, what can you really do about that. It wasn't a major problem and people were warned ahead of time that certain scenes would be muted. Also with the final scene when everyone was singing. They were a little loud and it was kind of hard for me to understand a few things. Though I caught enough to know what was going on. So, no complaints here.

Great show Tin Can Brothers, you guys are brilliant. Hope you put on another live show again soon.

- Nicbeemz

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