Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Shane Dawson Parody Banned?

I may be a little late in this, but I just found out.

According to what I have seen, Shane Dawson's parody video for Blank Space has been removed from YouTube. Apparently it was removed for being too violent. Really? It was too violent? I've seen way more violent things than Shane's video on YouTube. He even mentioned in a video he posted that his YouTube channel was deleted. Could have been coincidence, who really knows. I was proud of Shane for the direction he was going with making his movie and continuing to make amazing videos on YouTube. I'm still proud of him today. He is amazing at what he does. He is extremely creative and you can see that he loves what he does, which just makes his videos better.

I, along with other fans are backing him up 100%. He shouldn't have to change something or remove it because someone doesn't like it. I don't like The Hunger Games, but I'm not going to tell them to remove it from theaters, shelves, or wherever else it is or get them to change it. It's not right. They put a lot of work and money into it and people love it. It's the same thing with Shane's video. He loves it, his fans (including me) love it. I would like to see his video back on YouTube.

He made a video talking about what had happened...

Also, many of his fans have been tweeting about it and helping spread the hashtag #ShaneDawsonSony. The hashtag is trending worldwide as well as in my tailored trends. I'm glad that Shane has such a big fan base that he can post a video and within an hour of it being on YouTube the hashtag he mentions goes viral worldwide.

I hope that Shane gets his video back up. I would hate to see hard work get wasted because 1 person doesn't like it. Even if the video is kind of irrelevant when it comes back, I would still watch it like crazy.

Also, I thought it was a little funny that a promoted tweet just happened to be Sony and right above Shane's tweet.

I know this is short but I don't want to make this a big rant. So I am just going to end with saying, support Shane and keep trending #ShaneDawsonSony. Spread the word about this. Share his video as well (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjjRuYIPSxw) to let people know what happened. I know he would love it if you showed your support.

Shane is an amazing person and doesn't deserve what is happening. I will always support him.

- Nicbeemz

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