Friday, March 18, 2016

Spies Are Forever...It's A Musical

Last night I received an email that included my digital ticket to see Spies Are Forever. It was about 1:30 in the morning when I first watched it. Even though I was tired I still watched the entire thing and loved every moment of it. I decided to watch it again the next day.

After watching it a second time I feel like I could really give a proper review, so here it goes.

This is one of the best spy musicals I have ever seen. Okay, so it's the only spy musical I have ever seen. The story line kept my attention throughout the entire show. I kept wanting to see what would happen next. The Tin Can Brothers; Joey, Corey and Brian really outdid themselves with this one. I was really impressed with the writing. This story was...hmmm, how to put it? It was intriguing, captivating, entertaining, fascinating, exciting, riveting. I seem to be running out of words to describe it, I think you get my point though. I was amazed by how the story flowed so smoothly. That is always something that helps make a great show.

Corey Lubowich did an amazing job with directing. He has worked as director on previous stages shows with the Tin Can Brothers, as well as acted in them. He is an amazing actor, though I'm glad he was able to focus strictly on directing, he's a brilliant director. You can see the amount of effect that he...along with everyone else involved...put into this show. From what I have seen Corey is the type of person who throws everything they have into their work to make sure everything is perfect. Which is always something that shows in the finished product. I think that is one of the many things that makes this such a great show.

The music,, it was so well done. Talk Fine, Clark Baxtresser and Pierce Siebers, did an amazing job on the music. I have heard their music before, from the Starkid musicals A Very Potter Senior Year and ANI: A Parody. I even have their album Lesser Know Hits. They are very talented musicians. With this musical every song that was sung fit into the story perfectly. Of course with musicals you also have to appreciate the lyrics not just the music behind it. Each song helped the story move forward. Also, what's a song without the singer? Every actor in this musical is a fantastic singer.

Curt Mega as Agent Curt Mega, brilliant. He is a fantastic actor and an amazing singer. I first saw him in Glee, but from there I saw his career only go up from there with appearances at Geekycon, The JoMoShow and more. He brought comedy and drama to the stage in his role. I don't know if there is another actor out there that would be better suited for the role of Agent Curt Mega.

Mary Kate Wiles as Tatiana Slozhno, I had really only seen Mary Kate in a video called 'I Ship It' on YouTube which also starred Joey Richter. Though through time I had started seeing her in other things and could tell she is an amazing actress. Her role in Spies Are Forever was really good, her accent, her amazing. I new she could sing, but I didn't know she could hit those notes and stay in character.

Joe Walker as The Deadliest Man Alive, there was so much more to this character than I expected. At first I was thinking "Okay, it's Joe Walker. I have seen all of his many characters from the Starkid shows. I think I know what I'm getting into." Nope, I was wrong. Joe brought his own with this character. The accent was amazing, even while he sang. I knew that Joe was one of the many actors that could keep an accent while singing, but I think he outdid himself with this one.

Tessa Netting as Barbara Larvernor, amazing. I knew what to expect from Tessa, she seems to always put so much sass and spunk into any role. Even though I had never seen her in anything other than The JoMoShow, I was still excited to see she was cast in the show. Her singing was just as fantastic as her acting. I knew she could sing, but I didn't know she could sing like that.

Al Fallick as The Informant, one role that I knew would be hilarious. I had only ever seen Al in the Tin Can Brothers live show Seriously, Not A Joke. I didn't know how this role would go, but I'm glad that he made it work perfectly with how much comedy he threw into it. He even put comedy into some of his singing, which was amazing to see.

Lauren Lopez as Cynthia Houston, I was pleasantly surprised by how Lauren made this character her own. I had seen the many different characters from her in the past and this is by far one of my favourite ones. She brought so much comedy to her role that I couldn't help but laugh every time she was on stage. I was also excited to see her sing, she has such a beautiful voice and can harmonize so well with anyone.

Brian Rosenthal as The Baron, this is truly a character fit for Brian. I didn't know where he was going with any of it. Though I was surprised at how much comedy he brought to the stage with this role. You could see it shine through while he sang as well. Brian has a voice that fits musical theatre so well, his harmonies are amazing.

Finally, Joey Richter as Owen Carvour. The one actor who I had seen many sides of. I've seen him as the lovable sidekick, the comical lead and the villain. With this role, I didn't know what to expect...but I loved every second of it. Joey brought in his lovable, comical and dramatic sides of acting and put them all together. His singing, was even better than I had ever heard before. I also should point out too. For someone who played practically every random character on stage, he didn't skip a beat when it came to being in character.

 This show truly is amazing, I wish I owned it so I could watch it any time I wanted, rather than limited to watching it as many times as I can in 72 hours. I also would like a soundtrack to this musical. I loved all the songs, they were amazing.

If you get a chance to go see this show live, then I highly suggest you do. You can get tickets at

- Nicbeemz

PS. I am in the musical. They asked for backers from kickstarter to send in "mug shots." Well, I did and I was happy to see how the pictures were shown. It took me a little bit of time to find my picture, but I did find it.

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