Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Parallel by Heffron Drive

I had pre-ordered Parallel a few days ago. I got an email around 11pm last night letting me know that I can download Parallel. I didn't actually see it until after 1am. I downloaded the song and didn't have a chance to listen to it until this morning. I had no idea what the song sounded like at all. The only thing I knew was that Kendall Schmidt was the singer. Kendall started Heffron Drive back in 2008 with Dustin Belt when they met and realized that they both lived on the same street. Kendall ended up getting on the show/in the band Big Time Rush. Heffron Drive had to take a break with Kendall on the show and touring with the band. Although Dustin had the chance to be the touring guitarist for the band. Since the show is done, Heffron Drive can continue.

Heffron Drives old songs can be downloaded from ReverbNation. I just downloaded them and I like them. They sound like the style of song that I used to always listen to. I really like them. It's almost like the sound of these songs are taking me back to when I was in high school. It's a really nice feeling actually. I didn't really like my high school experience, although I did love the music that I was listening to back then. It also got me realizing that my high school experience ended about 9 years ago. I can't believe it was already that long ago. Anyway, enough about me, let's get back to Parallel, since that was the song that was released today.

Parallel is actually really catchy. It's one of the few songs that I absolutely loved the moment I first heard it. It's rare when I love a song right away. Sometimes it takes me a few listens before I actually love the song. Other times the song has to be really overplayed on the radio for me to like it. I guess what I'm saying is that I'm kind of picky when it comes to listening to particular songs. I listen to almost every genre, so there's no problem there. For me, it's all in lyrics (mostly). I don't know what it is, but I love really good lyrics. The music behind it all is a bonus. Parallel is one of those songs that as soon as I heard the lyrics I just knew that I was going to be listening to the song many times. After the first time of listening to it I was already singing along to the chorus. Also, by the end of writing this blog I had already listened to Parallel 10 times. Like I said it's just that good.

If you haven't yet, go buy Parallel on iTunes. You won't regret buying it. It's a catchy song, good music and lyrics. I am truly impressed with this song. I didn't have any doubts of how talented Kendall is. I mean, I did listen to Big Time Rush. What can I say, I grew up listening to New Kids On The Block, Backstreet Boys, N'Sync and 98 Degrees. Yes, I'm from that generation. I like my boy band music every once in a while and since I don't listen to One Direction (whole other story), I listened to Big Time Rush. They have some really positive songs. I have to say that out of all the ones I have, You're Not Alone is one of my favourites from them. Also, I wouldn't have known about Dustin and the amazing music he creates if it weren't for Kendall being in Big Time Rush, because Big Time Rush lead me to Heffron Drive.

I guess I'll end this before I keep talking. Again, please go buy Parallel on iTunes. Check out Heffron Drive on Twitter here & here.


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