Friday, April 18, 2014

Quicksand Jack

I wanted to write this review the day after I read the first and second issues of Quicksand Jack. Unfortunately I ended up getting a tad bit busy and it slipped my mind because I didn't write it down. However I am writing it now, so let's get started.

I bought the Quicksand Jack comics on March 23rd. I hadn't had a chance to get them until recently. Although the first issue had been out since October 4th and the second issue has been out since February 14th. I'm glad that I finally had the chance to get the comics.

Let's start with the first one. Really great way to start a comic series. I loved the storyline. It was intense basically right from the start. I was instantly hooked and wanting to read more. The wording of certain things was amazing. I always knew that Matt and Nick were amazing writers.  I basically feel in love with their writing the moment I saw their musicals on YouTube. To know that they wrote all of the StarKid musicals, with their friends, is just brilliant.

Now, lets talk about the art that in this comic. I absolutely love the detail that was put into this. The shading, the colours, the details on the faces. It's all perfect. I love good art, and this definitely has it. I could feel the emotion not only from the writing, but from the art as well.

I was really into reading this comic and couldn't wait to read the second. It was even worse when I was reading it instead of going to sleep. I may have lost out on some sleep that night, but I managed to read an awesome comic. I had heard about how good Quicksand Jack was, but I didn't actually know until I bought it.

This was totally worth the money.

Now for the second one. Again, this writing is absolutely brilliant. I really love how the story continues on. You get to know characters a little more. There's more depth into the storyline (which all comics do). You never want to give away too much at the start.

Again, I was really into the story. I didn't want to put it down. In this case, I had it downloaded on my phone and I couldn't put my phone down. The art is still completely amazing. I can't believe how much detail they put into each drawing.

I have already read these two comics about 10 times now. They are my go to read when I am somewhere and need something to read while I wait.
Finally, the third one. It may not be out yet, but I'm excited for it. I'm excited to see where the story goes from where we left off. I am excited to see more of the art from the comic. I absolutely love it. What else can I say, I'm a sucker for amazing art and amazing writing.

Shout out to Matt and Nick Lang for writing these comics (among all their other awesome things they wrote). As well as a shout out to Jen Lang the penciller and inks, and Teia Smith the colour artist.

So, to end this blog. If you haven't already, go to and buy the first and second issues of Quicksand Jack. You can even follow Quicksand Jack on Twitter.

- Nicbeemz

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