Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Drake Bell: Ready Steady Go!

Drake Bell new album Ready Steady Go! was released today. I was excited to see that I was able to buy it. Every time I checked out iTunes I wasn't able to view it. iTunes kept telling me the same thing "Item Not Available". All I wanted to do was find out if I could pre-order it or not. I obviously couldn't since I wasn't even able to see it in my iTunes. Which is why I was really glad to see it when I went to look for it last night around 11:30pm.

I have been listening to this entire album since about 3:00pm yesterday. I just can't get enough of this album. It's really good. I have all of Drake's other album's and I must say, this has got to be the best one I've heard. I still listen to his other albums though. No one can replace Drake Bell in my iTunes library. His music is always there when I need it. His music has always brightened my day when I was feeling down. I guess I should explain why and how I've been listening to the album early. Let's start with how.

I was lucky enough to have the money and donate to "All-Access Drake Bell" through the FundAnything website. I was happy to donate money. I mean, I have been a fan of his since I was 12. It doesn't matter how long I have been a fan. What matters is that I donated my money to help someone do what they love to do. Drake has always been one of my top favourite musicians. I found out that since I donated money I was able to get a little bit of a sneak peak of Drake's new album. I didn't know when to expect the album to show up in my email. I was a little surprised when I checked my email in the afternoon yesterday. As soon as I saw the email I opened it and started listening to all the songs. I loved them immediately, which is rare. Only certain musicians can make me love songs immediately. What made it even better is that I was with my cousins who are 2 and 4 years old. They started dancing and wanted more of Drake's songs as soon as one of them ended. They really loved his music when they heard it as well. There's just something about Drake's sound that makes pretty much anyone want to listen to him.

I have been listening to Drake Bell's music since the beginning of his career. I have always loved his musical style. I have all of his albums, as well as one of them signed. Now there's this new one that I am in the special thanks section of along with many other Drake Bell fans. I didn't donate to get my name in the credits of his album book. I donated to help a musician make music. His music has always been there for me when I needed it, like I have mentioned before. When I was in college I would listen to his music to help me stay awake during those nights of what seemed like endless hours of homework. He helped me through many things, it's impossible to list them all. I am glad that he has had a chance to make another album. I hope he gets more chances to keep making music and doing what he loves to do.

I encourage everyone to go and listen to Drake Bell's music. If you love his music, then go buy it. If you already own all his music, then go listen to it. It's an endless cycle of what I'll keep encouraging you to do. I am listening to his new album as I write this. Like I said, I can't stop listening to it. It's really good. I can't wait to see the music videos that come from this album.

Go check out his new album on iTunes as well as check him out on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

- Nicbeemz

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