Friday, June 27, 2014

Tin Can Brothers

The Tin Can Brothers have been on YouTube since January 27, 2014. At least that's what their channel says, though their first sketch was posted on February 3rd, 2014. The Tin Can Brothers are Joey Richter, Brian Rosenthal & Corey Lubowich, or as it's told on their YouTube page,
"The Tin Can Brothers is a Los Angeles based sketch comedy group formed by Brian Rosenthal, Corey Lubowich, and Joey Richter.

Their father, Lionel Tincan, was born the son of a lowly farm hand in Mississippi, but rose to great heights during America's early industrial period. Instilled with their father's drive for greatness and sensible taste in fashion, the boys moved west at a young age to pursue their own visions of grandeur. Young Joey, the dreamer, Corey, the muscle, and Brian, the engineer, pooled their earnings from a summer carnival kissing booth in order to buy their first digital video camera; something unheard of at the turn of the century. Equipped with unimaginable technology and power the boys could have done anything. But they didn't. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. Now in 2014, with advent of much better technology, these living and breathing anachronisms have decided to dust off the old digital picture box and make some talkies. Subscribe now!"
Joey, Brian & Corey make sketch shows that are between 1 to 8 minutes long, though the average is 2 to 3 minute videos. I don't know if there will ever be any that are longer, but they are just sketch shows after all. They started off with a really relatable topic. I mean, who doesn't feel lost without their phone nowadays. That constant need to check it when it goes off. That instant moment you want to take a photo but can't. The instant fear when you get an email or message but can't check it right away.

As I was watching this, I just kept thinking, "I know how you feel". I am the same way with my phone sometimes. Though I can manage to go days without mine. The guys had a bunch of really great sketches coming out every Monday. Little did we know that it would all come to an end. They stopped posting videos on Monday, and start posting them on Tuesday.

I love going through their sketches and just watching them all. My favourites right now are Phone Thief, Buffering, Spoiler Alert, A Scene From Macbeth, WTF Is Wrong With My Car, and pretty much every My Rich Friend.
I love that these guys get their friends to be in their videos. It's fun seeing little cameos from other actors that I like. I also like that I am being introduced to other amazing actors that I have yet to see. The writing of these sketches is brilliant. I always give praise to amazing writing. It's rare when I see genuine comedy anymore that can make me laugh. It's even better when it's comedy about stuff that is relatable to me. So I guess all I have to say is, great job guys. I hope you are able to keep making these sketches because I would love to keep watching them.

I suggest that you go watch their sketches, if you haven't already.

Tin Can Brothers Sketch Playlist

Subscribe to their channel:

Follow the guys on Twitter:
Joey RichterBrian RosenthalCorey Lubowich they even have a twitter for their YouTube channel Tin Can Brothers

- Nicbeemz

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