Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pop 101 by Marianas Trench

Marianas Trench has a new single that was released today. I bought it at midnight, well a few minutes after because iTunes said it wasn't working. I guess everyone wanted the song.

If you don't know who Marianas Trench is then I will explain. Marianas Trench is a Canadian band of four guys; Josh Ramsay, Matt Webb, Ian Casselman and Mike Ayley. They started in Vancouver, BC. At least that's what I have heard in interviews. They have different genres that they are classified as. They started out as 'punk rock' or 'emo pop' then it changed to 'pop punk' now it's either 'pop rock' or just 'pop'. I guess it all depends on who you talk to. Personally I don't care what genre they are, they make amazing music that I love listening to. Now for me to talk about their albums it's easier for me to talk about my personal thoughts as I go along.

I first heard them in the summer of 2006, their first single "Say Anything" was on the radio and I instantly loved it. I was watching Much Music one day, I don't really remember when and I saw the music video for the song. I knew after watching that video that great things would happen for them. I went out and I bought their first album "Fix Me" that fall. It was released on October 3, 2006. I ended up going to college in the fall of 2007 and took their music with me. It got me through classes and the emotional struggles that I didn't let out to others while I was there. I could listen to the full album without skipping a single song. Which for me is rare. There always ends up being a couple songs that I don't really like. Though with Fix Me, I was able to love every song. I graduated the spring/summer of 2009, only months after their second album "Masterpiece Theatre" was released. Which I bought right away. That album got me through the last few months of college, which was actually a bit of a struggle. They then released in November of the same year a "Director's Cut" of Masterpiece Theatre. Which I got as an early Christmas/Birthday present. Even though I had all the songs from Masterpiece Theatre, I didn't have the 4 extra songs on the director's cut. I had been playing their songs almost non-stop since I started listening to them back in 2006. Finally in October of 2011 I bought tickets to see Marianas Trench live. They were performing with All Time Low, These Kids Wear Crowns and the band that got me through high school, Simple Plan. I got the tickets on November 3, 2011 They concert was in February. The best part of this was, their new album "Ever After" was released November 21, 2011. I had time to buy it and listen to it non stop before going to the concert. Still listening to every single song, there hasn't been a Marianas Trench song I didn't like. The concert was pack full and I could hear all the fellow Trenchers sing along with me. It was definitely an unforgettable experience. (Not the best quality of 40x zoom on my Canon PowerShot SX120IS, though the stage was a 10x zoom I think)

Matt Webb
Ian Casselman

wide shot of entire band and stage setup.

Mike Ayley
Josh Ramsay

Now, I didn't get a chance to go to their Face The Music tour, which they had an EP for. Though I did buy the 2 songs from it that I didn't have.

Since then I have been wondering when they would release a new album, or at least a new single. I knew they were busy with tours so I wasn't in any rush to get anything. Finally last Wednesday I saw Josh Ramsay's tweet about Pop 101. I hadn't even heard anything about Pop 101 until that tweet. I instantly was excited for today to happen. Now that I have gone through all their albums, let's get onto Pop 101.

Pop 101 is exactly what the title says. It's a fun pop sounding song. If you listen to the lyrics and know your pop songs you should be able to catch the references. Not just the obviously ones that are mentioned. I was dancing the whole time I was listening to it. Yet again, I fell in love with the song the moment I heard it. I also love that Anami Vice is in it. If you don't know who he is then you need to check him out. He's amazing as well, awesome songs. Now I'm excited to see if they do a video for Pop 101, I can only imagine the hilarity that will ensue.

Update: The music video for Pop 101 was released on Friday, August 1 on Much Music at 6pm. (Yes, I watched it.) It is now uploaded on Vevo.

I absolutely loved the video. It was what I was expecting and more. Knowing what the guys have done in their music videos in the past, I was kind of expecting a few moments that happened in the video. Though, I was not expecting everything else. The guys have done another great job at blowing people away with their music and creativity. They just keep getting awesome people to work with and it all works out great. I also loved seeing Josh's dog Benny in the video too. I was definitely not expecting that. If you haven't yet you should check out the video.

Check out the guys on Facebook and Twitter: JoshMattMike & Ian

If you want to buy any of their music just got to any of these links below or your local store that sells music.
iTunes (make sure you have it set to your country...this link is Canadian)
the Marianas Trench website

- Nicbeemz

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