Friday, March 20, 2015


I am writing this mostly because I just need to get it out there.

The very first time I watched Glee was with my father, on a chilly November day. He told me about the show and I decided to watch it. It was an episode entitled "Never Been Kissed." I really loved musicals growing up so I figured this would be similar. Though my father didn't know what he was getting me into. He unknowingly found my favourite television show. I went back binge watched every episode until I was all caught up. I fell in love with the characters, they quickly became my second family. Yes, that's right. I think of Glee as my family. I'll explain why in a bit. Anyway, where was I? Oh right, I found Glee to be a way of getting away from all the stuff going on in my life. I was still fresh in a new part time job. I still didn't have many friends. My best friend at the time and I had parted ways not too long ago. I felt like I was losing who I was, then Glee happened.

As I was watching each episode I was being reminded of all the stuff I had gone through in high school. I guess I should mention, I am the same age as most of the cast. Back to what I was saying. My high school memories of being bullied, feeling like an outcast or misfit, not knowing who I was going to be, trying to break free from the labels I had. It all seemed too familiar. As I watched how they handled things, it helped me see how I can help those that I was around. I worked in a daycare/after school program, I knew I could help out these kids in some way. There were a few kids who had come to me about being bullied and I knew that this was my chance to help them. I knew that I had to take what I learned about myself from Glee and implement it. I had learned so much about myself while watching this show. I learned that I should embrace who I am and not be embarrassed about it. I shouldn't regret anything I have every done, and what happened in the past only made me a stronger person today. Glee had also opened me up more with my feelings, I used to push things down and try my hardest not to feel. Well, now I let everything out and I talk about it all. I feel so much better afterward. 

That  brings me to the first episode I watched had a familiar face in it, Darren Criss. I felt like I had seen him somewhere before, possibly in a YouTube video. I just kept thinking that I had seen him before. After that night I went home to my computer and looked on YouTube. There he was, in a musical uploaded to the channel "StarKidPotter." A musical entitled "A Very Potter Musical." I hadn't actually watched it, though I remember seeing it on the side of recommended videos as I was doing my usual YouTube searches the year before. That along with their "Little White Lie" videos. I then started watching all these StarKid videos about summer of 2012. I know, I should have started watching them when I found out about them. I just wasn't into watching videos online that much back then. Anyway, after watching basically every StarKid video there was on their channel I grew to love them as a family too. Which, seeing them as family made me proud to find out that two songs Darren wrote were going to be on the show. I know people think I'm weird when I am proud of someone I had never met, but when you think of them as family it doesn't matter. To me this is my family and I am proud of them. All of this just made my love for Glee even stronger because now I felt like I had a giant family and they understood me.

After seeing all that can be accomplished from a group of weirdos and nerds that were fresh out of college. Seeing how much they grew and embraced their weirdness, I realized that I too could do that. I'm not saying that I'm a theater person, or a singer that was in glee club. I'm just saying that I too could embrace who I was. So I started sitting down and writing things out. I had realized that I wanted to be a writer. No more pushing aside who I am or who I want to be.

There are a few other things that I have yet to mention with Glee, like all the sadness that comes with watching the show.

The one thing that hit me the hardest with Glee was when Cory Monteith passed. I was so heartbroken, even though I didn't know him personally. If felt like a family member had just died. I had cried for days, weeks, even months about it. Though seeing the Quarterback episode really helped with the closure that I, along with many other fans, needed. It was really nice to see the tributes to Cory in this finale episode. I went through almost as many tissues tonight as I did during the Quarterback episode. During that episode back on October 10th I knew I was going to cry. I just didn't realize how much. Watching everyone cry genuine tears was really hard. I could tell that they were fake emotions. There was also the Shooting Star episode. I had really felt the fear and again, grabbed a tissue. This show has made me cry harder than I did at my grandfathers funeral. Though I was 15 years old then and blocked every emotion I had. Like I said, Glee has helped me open up more and I am glad about that.

This final episode was a great way to say goodbye to everyone. Though I think I speak for all of my fellow gleeks when I say,
This isn't 'goodbye,' this is 'see you later.'
Thank you Glee, for everything.

- Nicbeemz

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