Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tried Staying Out Of It

I tried to stay out of all of what is going on. I really did. Though I can't sit back and watch any of it go on anymore.

Recently, comedian Nicole Arbour posted a video titled "Dear Fat People." Yes, I watched the video. Was I offended? No. Did I hate on Nicole for making this video? No. Do I think she's fat shaming? No.

I could keep going, but I won't. Why is it that the internet turns into a clusterfuck whenever anyone makes a certain type of video? So the creators and writers of South Park can make all these jokes during their show and get more laughs and praise than hate. Yet, Nicole (a comedian) makes a video that addresses a certain type of body image and the internet loses their shit.

I'm fat, there is no hiding that fact at all. Yes, I do know that I need to lose weight and be healthier. Yes, I am trying my best. No, I did not go to twitter or the comment section of the video and start a shitstorm of hate on the internet. I pushed the brutal honesty from the video aside and looked at the positive that she talked about. She wants to keep everyone alive, she doesn't want to see someone die of something they caused for themselves.

All the things she mentioned in the video about what happens when you gain so much weight are true. No, we don't need that milkshake with our lunch. No, we don't need dessert after supper. There are so many choices that we make that we can change ourselves. I know it's hard, trust me. I have been trying for years to lose weight. I have a medical issue that makes it harder. We just need to realize that yes, when we gain weight it comes with consequences. Nicole wasn't saying that people who are fat should be shamed. She was trying to help. I understood that. Why do we always have to tip toe around the subject? Why can't we just be straight forward with someone? Why is it called "fat shaming" when you are trying to help someone?

All this hate needs to stop. I know everyone has an opinion, but sometimes opinions turn into statements, which turn into hate. I know there are way more "offensive" videos on the internet that get praise instead of hate like this.

Here is the video that everyone has been discussing: 

There are also many response videos to this one. I don't understand why people are so upset about this. There are fat comedians out there that make fun of themselves, there are skinny comedians that make fun of fat people, there are fat comedians who make fun of skinny people. Yet this video is wrong? I just don't get it.

This was just my opinion on all this. I support Nicole Arbour and I always will.


- Nicbeemz

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