Friday, February 14, 2014

Camp Takota

A week ago I pre-ordered a movie called Camp Takota. I only knew about it because I watch Grace Helbig on YouTube. I recently subscribed to Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart a couple days ago. YouTube stars Grace, Hannah and Mamrie made a movie. Yes, that's right, they made a movie. How about I tell you the basic storyline.

Grace plays Elise Miller, who works in publishing in Chicago and is 2 weeks away from her wedding. All in one day she gets fired, and finds out that her fiance is cheating on her. So she goes to work at her old Camp as a counselor. She ends up finding out that her two old friends that she went to camp with work there. Maxine and Allison. Maxine (played by Mamrie) is basically the next camp director. While Allison is the camp cook. Elise doesn't tell anyone the real reason why she's there, until she has a breakdown a few days into being at the camp. She ends up having a night with her friends. They have tons of fun and while at the cabin having their own little party of three Elise finds out that Allison was accepted into the Chicago Culinary School. She also meets Eli, a farmer (played by Chris Riedell). He helps out the camp when he can with some fresh vegetables. Elise and Eli have a few cute moments together. About halfway through the movie you find out that the camp director's son whats to take the camp and turn it into a technology camp. He wants to call the camp Digital Interactive Camp (D.I.C. yep, they said it). Max doesn't want that to happen and makes a deal with the camp director Sally. If she can get half the campers to per-register for the next year, they will be able to keep Camp Takota running for another year. You also see that Elise has made a connection with one of the campers to help her get into the spirit of being at camp. Near the end of the summer Elise gets a call from her boss that fired her. She is asked to show up to work on the day that she is needed at the camp. Elise tries to get back to Chicago, although while waiting at the bus stop she comes to realize where she is meant to be. She shows up just in time to help out with the last big day of camp. The movie ends on a great positive message.

The movie was great. It was directed by Chris and Nick Riedell (if you pay attention to the photo that was sent to Elise through Facebook by Sally, you'll see a spot that says "People To Follow". Their page is listed). The screenplay was written by Mamrie Hart and Lydia Genner. Mamrie also wrote the story with Michael Goldfine, who was the producer. Grace, Mamrie and Hannah were all executive producers on the film as well. If you like watching YouTube videos, you might recognize other YouTubers in this movie like Sawyer Hartman and Chester See.

I like the message that I got from this movie. For me, it was that you should always believe in a good friendship. Also, don't be afraid to go back to your roots, even if you changed when you grew up. I never went to camp as a child, but I was a camp counselor and I know that some of the kids have thanked me for helping them while they were at camp. It's a good feeling, to know that you were able to be there for someone when they felt alone or left out. I made some good friends while being at camp. It's true, when things happen at camp you end up telling someone else and saying "You had to be there". Over all, I really loved this movie, now to spend some time going through the behind the scenes, bloopers, and other stuff.

Great job to everyone involved in the making of Camp Takota. If you want to watch it just go to to buy your copy.


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