Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jackson Harris: Sharks and Vampires

For those, like me who have been waiting patiently for today. It's here! The release of Jackson Harris' album Sharks and Vampires. I bought it just before 11:30pm last night because I kept checking iTunes to find out if it was released early like other albums have been for other artists. I started spinning in my computer chair in excitement when I saw it was available. You can buy it here on iTunes now.

I had my chance to listen to Jackson's album last night and already I've played it through completely 3 times, as well as another 3 times this morning while waking up and writing this blog. I'm already close to having a favourite song too, I think it's going to be a close one between Gone in a Heartbeat and Down With the Ship, because they are both danceable songs. I think they are just so catchy too. I've been listening to Gone in a Heartbeat since it was released as a single, and I still love it. I love all of his songs. I have them all. Like I said, I am a fan. What can I say, the man makes amazing music. All 8 songs are really good. The album even features Vita Chambers on one of the songs. She has an amazing voice and it just works so well with Jackson's. I am really loving this album.

I know there are some people probably still wondering who Jackson Harris is. That's okay, I'll tell you what I know. Jackson Harris is a New York musician. His career might not be as big as Justin Bieber's or One Direction's, but I say, who cares. I think Jackson is just as talented as all those guys, actually, I think he's a little more talented, but that's just my opinion. Jackson has a huge fan base already and it goes worldwide. It seemed like Jackson first started making major waves into peoples hearts when his video Go Crazy came out when he had the Shaytard's family in his video. Although I think his fabulous music and sweetheart attitude is what got him more fans.

One of his most viewed music video's from this album is for the song called "Come Back Down to Earth" in the video some of you might recognize the love interest. She is the talented and beautiful Lucy Hale from Pretty Little Liars. It is an amazing video and song. Along with all of his other songs, it was really hard to choose a favourite. I love the artistic shots that were done in this video.

His next video from this album is an amazingly well done lyric video for "Gone in a Heartbeat." I love the way that lyric videos are being done nowadays with the words having something to do with the song.

Finally his newest music video for his new single "Miss Me". I loved it the moment I saw it. The locations they used for the different shots. Sometimes certain locations can just bring a story of a song together. Jackson's music videos are always so well done. 

So in the end, you should check out his new album that was released today, go buy it on iTunes. As well as going and checking out his other stuff (He's going on tour with Cher Lloyd and Fifth Harmony, get tickets here). You can go to his website http://www.jacksonharrismusic.com/ or check him out on Twitter YouTube & Facebook.

Leave a comment if you want to. Also, if you go buy the album then send Jackson some love on Twitter (@Jackson_Harris) or send him some love even if you don't buy the album, I'm sure he'd really love that.

Just a little message to Jackson (if he reads this). I really love the album Jackson. You are just so talented. Keep doing what you're doing. The songs are amazing. I also love that you are one of the sweetest guys out there :) You seem to always help others, even when they don't ask for it. You are amazing.


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