Monday, February 3, 2014

Sherlock Series 1-3

Sherlock is a television show on BBC One created by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. It is a modern take on all the old Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I actually happen to have quite a few of those stories. Gatiss and Moffat have made Sherlock and Watson appeal more to the young adults and teens in this day and age. I also, am loving that Gatiss is playing Sherlock's brother, Mycroft. There is also the fun fact that Amanda Abbington who plays Mary is Martin Freeman's (John Watson) longtime partner.

Sherlock has always been one of the most interesting crime stories that I have had the experience of reading. The way that Gatiss and Moffat put little hints of the books in amongst the storyline is just brilliant. All three series (or seasons) of the show have been amazing. Benedict Cumberbatch makes an awesome Sherlock. I think out of all the people that I have seen play Sherlock, Benedict is the best.

Caution: Spoilers for those of you who haven't seen the show.

So, let's start reviewing. When I first watched it, I really didn't know what to think. I was expecting it to be olden day style, like all the other Sherlock movies and shows out there. I'm glad that they put a modern day spin on it. It really made me intrigued to watch more episodes. Now, for those who haven't seen it, the first series was out in 2010. There are only three episodes a series and each episode is about 1 hour 30 minutes long. I didn't know about the series until it was on Netflix. I had just gotten Netflix and was looking for something to watch and heard about Sherlock, so I checked it out. I loved it almost instantly. The little jokes in the episodes, the fast talking Sherlock and his Mind Palace. It's all brilliant. I really loved how Andrew Scott portrayed Moriarty. The sheer evil that spills out of him, I love it. I've noticed that people have criticized the way Moriarty is portrayed, but I actually really enjoy it.

In the first episode, A Study in Pink, we meet John Watson who is ex military. He is looking for a new place and ends up talking to a friend who introduces him to Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock tells Watson to meet him at an address, 221B Baker Street. When they get there Sherlock has basically already moved in. I love the little moments that Mrs. Hudson, the landlady, throws in about Sherlock and Watson being gay. The amount of times that Watson says no to her about being gay, you'd think she'd get the hint. Although she still does it in the third series as well. Anyway, back to the episode. Detective Inspector Lestrade, shows up while Watson is looking at the place, with a case for Sherlock to help with. Sherlock calls himself a consulting detective. Sherlock takes Watson with him on the case as an assistant. There had been 4 suicides and Sherlock was brought in when the fourth one was different. Sherlock left the crime scene without Watson, so Watson had to find his own way home. While going home he hears public phones ringing as he walks near them, finally he answers one. He ends up getting picked up in a car and taken somewhere. He meets Sherlock's brother, Mycroft, although Watson doesn't know that he is Sherlock's brother. He thinks that he is an enemy, which in Sherlock's mind, he is. That's all in the first half of the episode, there's still another half left. In the end after Sherlock is talking to the guy he's after, the guy brings up that he was told to go after Sherlock by someone else. Also, it's revealed to Watson that Mycroft is Sherlock's brother. During this episode you find out how people see Sherlock different and how he sees people. The second episode, The Blinder Banker, we see that Sherlock knows how to protect himself, and that Watson is looking for a job to help pay bills. He ends up getting a job at a hospital. A girl ended up going missing and there are symbols ending up in certain parts of London. Sherlock wasn't called in on this case, he went to a bank and went on from there. There are so many moments in between where you keep questioning who it is. While on a date with his co-worker Watson ends up running into Sherlock. Sherlock had planned it that way. They all end up in trouble and the people behind it all think that Watson is Sherlock because of some minor details that were just misunderstood. At the end the person behind all the symbols and killings in talking to someone who is not shown or heard. Final episode of the series, The Great Game, is my favourite of the first series. You find out that Watson writes a blog about their cases and as it turns out a lot of people read them. In the beginning there is an explosion outside of 221B Baker Street. The next day Mycroft stops by with a case for Sherlock, although Sherlock doesn't want to take it, he takes a case from Lestrade instead, who he went to see after Mycroft had left. There was an envelope with his name on it and a phone inside that got a message to send Sherlock to a certain place. All while someone was in danger with a bomb strapped to their chest. Sherlock ends up going through case after case like a game. Although as Sherlock likes to say "The game is on." I love the way that Moriarty appears in this episode, and that he is not revealed until the end. He reveals himself by meeting Sherlock at a place and having a bomb strapped to Watson's chest. There are so many intense moments that you never really know what will happen. The way it ended and left you wanting more was just cruel, but that's what shows do.

The second series starts where the first one ended. Which I am not happy that they left you waiting the way they did. Although since I didn't watch it when it was on television, I didn't feel the pain that others did for waiting two years for series two. Anyway, in A Scandal in Belgravia we see that Sherlock and Watson are getting a lot of people showing up with cases for them, though they go out on just one case. Sherlock however decided to stay home because he didn't feel like the case was important enough. Meanwhile, while he stayed home he was naked and wearing a sheet. Two men showed up to take him somewhere, yet he decided not to get dressed. Sherlock and Watson were taken to Buckingham Palace and Sherlock is still in a sheet. While there Sherlock and Watson get a case that involves Irene Adler. This episode shows just how much Sherlock and Irene are meant for each other. Even though in this version Sherlock is not interested in relationships. I also think that the best thing in this episode is the fact that Irene changed Sherlock's text alert tone, and Sherlock doesn't change it. There are so many moments in this episode that show different sides to Sherlock. In episode the second episode The Hounds of Baskerville I love how they start it off with showing that Sherlock has just finished a case. The way they brought in Baskerville wasn't what I was expecting. If you don't actually follow the episode then you will be confused. Although if you pay attention to the little details that are brought up then you will understand everything. I've noticed this with other episodes. This episode is a little hard to explain there are a few twists in it and you see Lestrade show up about an hour into the episode. He ends up helping them with a couple things. later while out on the case we get to see what Sherlock's Mind Palace can do and how he makes his deductions. Final episode of the series The Reichenbach Fall. This episode we see that Watson really thinks of Sherlock as his best friend. Throughout this episode we see people giving Sherlock gifts for solving all these different cases. One of the gifts being the "Sherlock Holmes" hat. Sherlock doesn't like the hat, other people like him in the hat. This episode's major case involves Moriarty...again. Moriarty is arrested near the beginning and ends up going to court. They find him not guilty, so when he's out he goes to visit Sherlock. Meanwhile Watson is having a conversation with Mycroft about Sherlock and how he won't accept Mycroft's help. Sherlock and Watson end up going on a case of two kidnapped children. Sherlock is a suspect after the things that had happened during the case. Sherlock and Watson end up getting arrested and run from the cops. They end up going to a reporters place while on the run. While there Moriarty shows up, he claims to be Richard Brook an actor that Sherlock has hired. Everything seems to be falling apart for Sherlock, in the end he ends up meeting Moriarty on the roof of a building. Sherlock and Moriarty have a big conversation, that ends wit Moriarty threatening Sherlock's friends. Sherlock knows that he has to commit suicide to make sure his friends are safe. Although one thing Sherlock didn't see coming was Moriarty killing himself so that Sherlock would have to kill himself. So after Moriarty kills himself Sherlock only has a moment to do what he needs to do. Watson shows up in a taxi and Sherlock calls him. Watson sees Sherlock jump. The episode ends with Watson talking to Sherlock's grave, with a zoom out to show Sherlock watching Watson walking away from his grave.

There is a mini webisode on the BBC One YouTube page that I loved called, Many Happy Returns, that was uploaded as a prequel to the third series. It was Anderson, the forensics detective, and Lestrade talking in a coffee shop about cases that have happened in different parts of the country. Anderson thinks it's Sherlock, but Lestrade has his doubts. Lestrade keeps telling Anderson that Sherlock is dead, but Anderson doesn't believe him. At one point during the video Lestrade brings Watson a DVD that was made by Sherlock for Watson's birthday, well an unedited DVD. In it Sherlock was talking and while he was Watson says, "I can tell you what you can do. You can stop being dead." It seems like Sherlock replies because right after Watson says that Sherlock says, "Okay". Even though it was just timing with the DVD. It was a really good way to get people excited about the new Sherlock series. The mini webisode ends with Sherlock giving a wink and a smile.

Now, let's start on Sherlock series three. The first episode The Empty Hearse was really interesting when they started it out with showing how Sherlock managed to fake his death. Well, at least how Anderson thought it was done. Lestrade doesn't believe him though. The scene then goes to Watson and Mary standing at Sherlock's grave, then to a man running in the woods. You find out that the man is Sherlock and that Mycroft was there to bring him home. Sherlock has been gone for two years (which is how long it has been since the finale of series two). Sherlock is shown a picture of Watson and notices that he has a mustache. Pretty much the entire first half of the episode Sherlock makes fun of the mustache. I was expecting a little bit of anger from Watson when he first sees Sherlock alive after all this time. Although the writers threw in a few different moments. Sherlock, disguised as a waiter, surprises Watson at a fancy restaurant while Watson is having dinner with his girlfriend Mary. First Watson tackles Sherlock, and gets them kicked out of the restaurant. Then while at a different restaurant he tackles him again and gets them kicked out of that restaurant. Finally at the diner they end up in Watson head-butt's Sherlock and they are shown on the street as Watson gets a taxi to take him and Mary home.  After Sherlock has shown himself to Mrs. Hudson and Lestrade it shows another way that Sherlock faked his death. He had a dummy dressed as himself on the ledge of the building with him and Moriarty sitting back a ways. He was holding a rope to make sure the dummy fell at the right time. After it fell he leaned in to kiss Moriarty. That's when Anderson stopped a girl from telling the story, because he didn't think that's what would have happened. Seems to me that the writers were going through some fan fiction to get some inspiration for the episode. At least that's what all the people on Tumblr think. Anyway, back to the episode. Sherlock is asked to help out a case and since Watson isn't talking to him. Sherlock asks Molly to help out with the case. During this episode you see who really matters to Sherlock. He seemed a little upset when he realizes that Molly is engaged. He finds out through Mary that Watson is in trouble and he throws himself into a bonfire and manages to get to him just in time. That's when John decides to help Sherlock. You end up meeting Sherlock's parents (played by Benedict's actual parents) when Watson goes to visit him. They end up having to go and stop a bomb before it blows up the Palace of Westminster. All while Sherlock makes a couple jokes. In the end Sherlock tells Anderson how he faked his death, and while leaving Anderson has a big meltdown and starts laughing hysterically. The episode ends with everyone having champagne at Sherlock's and you meet Molly's fiance, who looks almost exactly like Sherlock, finally Sherlock goes downstairs and puts on that hat that he hates while going and talking to the press outside of 221b Baker Street. The second episode The Sign of Three is based around Watson and Mary's wedding. Lestrade is on a case and gets texts from Sherlock asking for help, while on his way he calls for backup and gets to 221b Baker Street. Sherlock is sitting there and needs help with a best man speech. The episode quickly goes through the wedding with showing them coming out of a church then as they are greeting the guests they show a few back stories. The majority of the episode is set at the reception with Sherlock giving his best man speech. I think one of my favourite moments in this episode is the moment between Sherlock and the ring bearer. After a few minutes it is time for Sherlock's speech. Sherlock seems a bit awkward at first while giving his speech. There are a few moments during his speech where people chuckle or cry and Sherlock doesn't understand what is going on. During the speech where he tells funny stories about Watson it shows some clips from old cases that they did. He brings up a case that he never solved, after telling the story he asked the people how it could have been done, no one got the answer right. Sherlock then goes on to talk about the stag night where him and Watson went out drinking. They went from bar to bar in every street where they found a corpse. It's actually quite a funny scene. They end up back at 221b Baker Street only a couple hours after going out and they were actually quite drunk. They ended up playing a game, it's basically headbands. While playing the game they end up getting a client. They take the case and you can see that even though Sherlock is drunk he still is quite smart, and remembers the case the next day. Sherlock ends up trying to figure out the case, it's never really figured out who. He ends up figuring it out at the reception. That case also happens to be involved with the unsolved case that he did. Sherlock adds a second part to his speech so he can figure out the case. In the end, he figures it all out and the story moves onto the dances. Sherlock gives another tiny speech and let's it slip out that Watson and Mary are expecting a baby. The final episode of the season His Last Vow has one of the funniest moments. It starts by introducing the new bad guy, Charles Augustus Magnussen. It also shows you what he is capable of. Watson and Mary get a visit from a neighbour trying to find her son and so they go out looking for him. Watson ends up finding Sherlock at a crack house, along with the neighbour's son. They have a fight while on their way out which is one of the funniest scene to me. While back at 221b Baker Street you end up finding out that Sherlock has a girlfriend. The girl is the maid of honour from the wedding. This whole episode is just Sherlock trying to find his way to Charles Augustus Magnussen. He ends up going to the office building where Charles works and as it turns out Sherlock's girlfriend works there. So Sherlock proposes to her just to get into the office. Sherlock finds out that Mary has a massive secret. This episode also shows that Mycroft still sees Sherlock as a little boy. There is a whole big moment of Sherlock getting shot, dying and coming back to life. While he is dying he sees Moriarty in his head. Which I think is one of the best moments from Moriarty. After Sherlock wakes up in the hospital he finds out that his girlfriend was also using him for the publicity. Sherlock ends up confronting Mary to find out who she is. She thinks she's talking to Sherlock when she sees a person down at the end of a dark hall. Though she was really talking to Watson, while Sherlock is talking to her on the phone. Months going by and it's Christmas, Sherlock invites Watson and Mary out to his parents place. Sherlock only wanted to go there because it's close to Charles' place. You find out that Charles has a Mind Palace just like Sherlock. Sherlock ends up shooting Charles in the head and gets arrest. He was put on a plane and sent away for a while. Although one minor detail brings him back when he was only gone a few minutes.

I know I wrote more about the third series than the others but I will admit, to me, it was the best out of all of them. I can't wait to see what's in store for series four. I heard that it might be done and out sooner than everyone expects. I was expecting it to air in two years, however I heard it might air for Christmas this year. I don't know, we'll have to wait and see what happens.

I would love to hear comments on if anyone has seen the show, or is interested or not interested in it and why.


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