Saturday, February 15, 2014


The first time I saw a trailer for the new Robocop movie, my first thought was "No, please don't ruin a classic".

First let's compare this version to the original. I don't like it. Who is Samuel L. Jackson suppose to be? Why are there already tons of, what look like, Robocops? Why are there what look like ED-209's working with Robocops? They made a prototype of ED-209 in the original and it killed one of the employees. In the original, you don't see any of Alex Murphy's old life. You first see him when he is walking into the Detroit Police Department, he was just transferred there. He gets a new partner named Anne Lewis, he goes out with her around town so he can get the hang of things there. They end up going after guys who just robbed a bank. They end up following them to an abandoned warehouse. The bank robbers end up shooting Murphy so much that his limbs are practically gone! then finally he gets shot in the head. In the new version you see Murphy at the police station talking about his partner who was recently shot while they were undercover. Those same guys later put a bomb in Murphy's car. When he was right next to it, it went off, blowing up he car and Murphy. He survived, yet in the original he died. Also, you only saw his wife and child in memories, yet you see him with them in this one. Okay, I'm done comparing because I could go on forever with comparing. I could make a giant list of everything that's wrong with this version. Even though it says loosely based on Robocop, I don't see any similarity other than the name Alex Murphy and the fact that he's a cop.

So now, let's look at it as it's own movie. Okay camera work, I mean, it was kind of all over the place in certain spots. I had a hard time seeing certain things. Good CGI, the technology for special effects is getting a lot better. Good action, I have to admit, the fight scenes were pretty good. Some of the actors in this movie I like. Samuel L. Jackson has a few movies I like, same with Gary Oldman. Michael Keaton on the other hand I have always liked his acting, yet I just couldn't get into this movie with them in it. The only part I liked was when a guy called Murphy "Tin Man" then played the song "If I Only Had A Heart". I guess I should say, I give the crew props for attempting to remake a movie without staying to the original at all. That's all I have to say, the storyline didn't make sense to me, but I guess it's because I can't get the original out of my head. I could barely follow the storyline, it was all over the place. I could barely figure out who was who. Like I said, this is just my opinion. To me, the original is better. The original is as old as me, it came out in 1987. I don't know how many times I wanted to just stop watching it. I had to use all my will power to keep watching. If you saw and loved the original I suggest you don't watch this unless you like remakes. If you never saw the original or even heard of it, then you might like this version.


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