Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Spies Are Forever

Spies Are Forever, a new comedy musical written by the Tin Can Brothers. Music and lyrics by TalkFine. Directed by Corey Lubowich. The cast looks amazing, I am really excited to see how it all turns out.

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Tried Staying Out Of It

I tried to stay out of all of what is going on. I really did. Though I can't sit back and watch any of it go on anymore.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

I Hate Myselfie by Shane Dawson

I was excited when I heard that Shane Dawson had wrote a book. I was also really excited when I saw it on Amazon.ca. I pre-ordered it at the end of January, I had actually almost forgotten that I had bought the book. Once I saw that the release day was coming up in a few days I was starting to get extremely excited. I have been watching Shane's journey for a while and was really happy for him when he said he had a book coming out. He has done so much, made videos for YouTube, made a movie, has a podcast, now a book. Even though I don't know Shane personally, I am proud of what he has accomplished.

Monday, March 2, 2015

I Hate Myselfie - Short Film

I'm sure many of you have heard of Shane Dawson and that he has a book coming out very soon. Well, today he released a short film entitled I Hate Myselfie. I knew I had to go watch it for 3 reasons.
1 - It's a Shane Dawson video.
2 - He creates amazing content. You can tell he is doing what he loves.
3 - The story of the video is from his book, which I can't wait to read.
was pleasantly surprised at how well this was done. I mean, I knew Shane was good, but this video has to be, hands down, one of the best he has done. I was also glad to see familiar faces of people who have already been in his videos. It's always good to see people who work so well together. It just makes the videos that much better.

While watching this video, I could kind of relate to Shane with the situation he was in. Then I couldn't. I kind of like seeing that Shane had a similar high school experience to me. I could really see my own high school experience in this video. I was treated the same way, I was overweight and an emotional eater. I really see a lot of myself in Shane. The only thing...I never went to my prom.

Even though I don't know him personally I am proud of how far he has come. He has accomplished so much already and I have a feeling he will accomplish a lot more. 

Go check out the video right here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGFy0RhSrV8

As well as read a part of his book: http://bit.ly/myselfiesneakpeek

- Nicbeemz

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Trail To Oregon

I had been waiting for this to be released for quite some time now. Finally it's here. Trail To Oregon. No I'm not talking about the game, I'm talking about the latest Starkid musical to be posted to their YouTube page. I had no idea what time of the day it would be posted. Well, it was up on YouTube at midnight (one in the morning for me, EST). I knew something was going on when I saw a tweet from Joey Richter about the album being up on iTunes. I went to iTunes to get a preview of the songs and I must admit, they are pretty awesome. I had decided to wait until actually watching the musical to buy the album and listen to all the songs completely.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Quicksand Jack Issue 3

I read Quicksand Jack issue 3 today and I have to say, it was amazing. I got right into it. It didn't matter how long ago I had read the other issues, as soon as I started reading this one everything from the others came back to me. That feeling that I had when I read the first two issues was still there. I was on the edge of my seat with anticipation during certain moments. I was angry with certain characters for what had happened. I can't wait to read the next issue and find out what happens with all these different characters. I want to see how everything pans out. I seem to really get into these comics.

The main reason I get into these comics like that is because of the writing. I have always loved Nick and Matt's writing. Ever since I first watched A Very Potter Musical I have loved their writing. I get into anything they write. They just make everything more real, rather than it being a big imaginary world. Well, they write about imaginary worlds when they write their musicals. Which I absolutely love. Another thing too, as I am reading this I can really tell that Nick and Matt wrote this. It's all in the way things are written. Which make me want to go write after I finish reading. Like I've said before, Nick and Matt Lang inspired me to write. I may not have a set genre on what I write, but it's what I like to do.

The other thing about this issue, the artwork. Every issue has such amazing artwork. Jen and Teia are so talented. It makes me want to draw again (too bad I can't very much anymore). Every issue has such detail. I was even more drawn into the story because of the images. When you get a chance to see what someone would look like when they say certain things it makes you get into the story even more. Like with the Quicksand Jack stories, it helps even more when you see all the blood and guts rather than just read about it.

Speaking of details in the artwork, before reading this issue I opened an email that had one of my Kickstarter rewards in it. I instantly had to use it. Now I have this awesome Quicksand Jack background. Look at how awesome this is. Look at the detail in that. Doesn't that inspire you to want to draw? I know it inspires me.

I am even mentioned on the website under the section "Thanks for donating". This is so cool, I'm glad that I could help make this issue happen. I don't know how I would feel if they couldn't continue their story.

I think I'll end this by saying, everyone should go check out Quicksand Jack. It's one of the best comics I have ever read. 

Go to quicksandjackcomic.com to check the issues out.
Also follow them on twitter: Nick, Teia and Jen, Quicksand Jack

- Nicbeemz