Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Shane Dawson Parody Banned?

I may be a little late in this, but I just found out.

According to what I have seen, Shane Dawson's parody video for Blank Space has been removed from YouTube. Apparently it was removed for being too violent. Really? It was too violent? I've seen way more violent things than Shane's video on YouTube. He even mentioned in a video he posted that his YouTube channel was deleted. Could have been coincidence, who really knows. I was proud of Shane for the direction he was going with making his movie and continuing to make amazing videos on YouTube. I'm still proud of him today. He is amazing at what he does. He is extremely creative and you can see that he loves what he does, which just makes his videos better.

I, along with other fans are backing him up 100%. He shouldn't have to change something or remove it because someone doesn't like it. I don't like The Hunger Games, but I'm not going to tell them to remove it from theaters, shelves, or wherever else it is or get them to change it. It's not right. They put a lot of work and money into it and people love it. It's the same thing with Shane's video. He loves it, his fans (including me) love it. I would like to see his video back on YouTube.

He made a video talking about what had happened...

Also, many of his fans have been tweeting about it and helping spread the hashtag #ShaneDawsonSony. The hashtag is trending worldwide as well as in my tailored trends. I'm glad that Shane has such a big fan base that he can post a video and within an hour of it being on YouTube the hashtag he mentions goes viral worldwide.

I hope that Shane gets his video back up. I would hate to see hard work get wasted because 1 person doesn't like it. Even if the video is kind of irrelevant when it comes back, I would still watch it like crazy.

Also, I thought it was a little funny that a promoted tweet just happened to be Sony and right above Shane's tweet.

I know this is short but I don't want to make this a big rant. So I am just going to end with saying, support Shane and keep trending #ShaneDawsonSony. Spread the word about this. Share his video as well (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjjRuYIPSxw) to let people know what happened. I know he would love it if you showed your support.

Shane is an amazing person and doesn't deserve what is happening. I will always support him.

- Nicbeemz

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Seriously. Not A Joke.

Tonight was the livestream (and final night) for Seriously. Not A Joke. Since I couldn't make it to the show, I made sure to get a ticket to the livestream. If you are not familiar with the Tin Can Brothers then I will tell you about them...as best I can.

The Tin Can Brothers are Brian Rosenthal, Corey Lubowich & Joey Richter. Three awesome guys that work hard at what they do to make great videos. You can tell that they love what they do, by the passion they put into their videos. They have been making sketch comedy videos once a week on their YouTube channel since February 03, 2014. They made a Kickstarter for an online lemonade stand (which was successful). Yes, I was one of the backers for their Kickstarter, but if you watched the video and have been following the Tin Can Brothers since the beginning then you would have backed them as well. They also now have merchandise available at Ann Arbor Tees. The designs are really cool. I'm sure that when I order mine and where them around my town no one will understand. Though I would be more than happy to spread the word about the Tin Can Brothers around this small town here in Canada.

Anyway, back to the Tin Can Brothers. I can honestly say, out of all the comedy videos I have seen on YouTube theirs are up there with the best. I am not one of those people that sit down and watch every video on all the channels I am subscribed to. Though they are the only channel that I have managed to keep up with and watch every video. If you aren't subscribed I suggest you do that. If you love to laugh then you'll love their videos. Well, I think that's all I know what to say besides constantly telling you how amazing, genuine and hilarious they are. Though if you want to read more about them then you can read what they have as a bio on their YouTube site. Though it is different on their site www.tincanbros.com
"The Tin Can Brothers is a Los Angeles based sketch comedy group formed by Brian Rosenthal, Corey Lubowich, and Joey Richter.
Their father, Lionel Tincan, was born the son of a lowly farm hand in Mississippi, but rose to great heights during America's early industrial period. Instilled with their father's drive for greatness and sensible taste in fashion, the boys moved west at a young age to pursue their own visions of grandeur. Young Joey, the dreamer, Corey, the muscle, and Brian, the engineer, pooled their earnings from a summer carnival kissing booth in order to buy their first digital video camera; something unheard of at the turn of the century. Equipped with unimaginable technology and power the boys could have done anything. But they didn't. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. Now in 2014, with advent of much better technology, these living and breathing anachronisms have decided to dust off the old digital picture box and make some talkies."

Now let's get on with the review about the show, because that's what we're really here for.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Ani: A Parody

Today is the day! No I'm not talking about Halloween, I'm talking about the YouTube release of Ani. I had the chance to watch it right away like I wanted because Starkid seemed to have a few minor setbacks with the uploading process to YouTube. I'm sure we've all had that problem at some point or another. I didn't care how long it took them to upload, I was going to watch it no matter what. Even if I did watch it at 1 in the morning. Now let's get to the review.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Quicksand Jack Kickstarter

On April 18th, I wrote a little review on Quicksand Jack. Well, I am writing another one. Only this one is going to be about Quicksand Jack's Kickstarter.

I had read both issues of Quicksand Jack and loved them. I have been waiting patiently for issue 3 to come out. I say patiently because I know how busy the writers are and I know how much work and detail goes into these comics just by looking at them. You never want to rush these things. Anyway, I just found out a few days ago that Quicksand Jack issue 3 has a Kickstarter. So I went ahead and became a backer because that's what I do. I love helping people make their projects come to life. I may have also just really wanted to have issue 3 when it comes out.

There are many perks that come with becoming a backer for Quicksand Jack. You should go check them out and help out if you want, right here on their Kickstarter page.

Also, if you want to you can check out my previous blog about Quicksand Jack.

I know this was really short like my last one. Though it gets right to the point. Please go become a backer for Quicksand Jack issue 3.

- Nicbeemz

Friday, October 3, 2014

Girl Friend

Girl Friend is a short film by Porthole Productions. Porthole Productions use to go by Cool Pool Party, I like the name change I think it suits them. A little over a year ago on the YouTube page Cool Pool Party they released a trailer for Girl Friend.

I was instantly hooked and couldn't wait to see more. Well, time went by. This week I finally heard more about it and saw the teasers that were posted on their new channel Porthole Productions.

Today Girl Friend became available to download. It was really good. You can tell how much work they put into this. I am proud of these guys for not giving up on what they love to do. These are the same guys that are making Craig The Genie. I am beyond excited to see that.

If you want to check out Girl Friend then head over to their website.

Again, I am proud of these guys (even though I don't know them).

- Nicbeemz

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Not Cool

I just watched Not Cool for the second time since it was released on Tuesday. I had pre-ordered it and watched it almost right away after I bought it. I may have watched it early in the morning first time watching it, but I laughed so hard both times I watched it. If you are a Shane Dawson fan like I am then you will understand the comedy in this movie. If not, then prepare yourself for some totally out there comedy. I'm going to try and give the best review I can, without giving away too much.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Pop 101 by Marianas Trench

Marianas Trench has a new single that was released today. I bought it at midnight, well a few minutes after because iTunes said it wasn't working. I guess everyone wanted the song.

If you don't know who Marianas Trench is then I will explain. Marianas Trench is a Canadian band of four guys; Josh Ramsay, Matt Webb, Ian Casselman and Mike Ayley. They started in Vancouver, BC. At least that's what I have heard in interviews. They have different genres that they are classified as. They started out as 'punk rock' or 'emo pop' then it changed to 'pop punk' now it's either 'pop rock' or just 'pop'. I guess it all depends on who you talk to. Personally I don't care what genre they are, they make amazing music that I love listening to. Now for me to talk about their albums it's easier for me to talk about my personal thoughts as I go along.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Tin Can Brothers

The Tin Can Brothers have been on YouTube since January 27, 2014. At least that's what their channel says, though their first sketch was posted on February 3rd, 2014. The Tin Can Brothers are Joey Richter, Brian Rosenthal & Corey Lubowich, or as it's told on their YouTube page,
"The Tin Can Brothers is a Los Angeles based sketch comedy group formed by Brian Rosenthal, Corey Lubowich, and Joey Richter.

Their father, Lionel Tincan, was born the son of a lowly farm hand in Mississippi, but rose to great heights during America's early industrial period. Instilled with their father's drive for greatness and sensible taste in fashion, the boys moved west at a young age to pursue their own visions of grandeur. Young Joey, the dreamer, Corey, the muscle, and Brian, the engineer, pooled their earnings from a summer carnival kissing booth in order to buy their first digital video camera; something unheard of at the turn of the century. Equipped with unimaginable technology and power the boys could have done anything. But they didn't. In fact, they did absolutely nothing. Now in 2014, with advent of much better technology, these living and breathing anachronisms have decided to dust off the old digital picture box and make some talkies. Subscribe now!"

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Drake Bell: Ready Steady Go!

Drake Bell new album Ready Steady Go! was released today. I was excited to see that I was able to buy it. Every time I checked out iTunes I wasn't able to view it. iTunes kept telling me the same thing "Item Not Available". All I wanted to do was find out if I could pre-order it or not. I obviously couldn't since I wasn't even able to see it in my iTunes. Which is why I was really glad to see it when I went to look for it last night around 11:30pm.

I have been listening to this entire album since about 3:00pm yesterday. I just can't get enough of this album. It's really good. I have all of Drake's other album's and I must say, this has got to be the best one I've heard. I still listen to his other albums though. No one can replace Drake Bell in my iTunes library. His music is always there when I need it. His music has always brightened my day when I was feeling down. I guess I should explain why and how I've been listening to the album early. Let's start with how.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Quicksand Jack

I wanted to write this review the day after I read the first and second issues of Quicksand Jack. Unfortunately I ended up getting a tad bit busy and it slipped my mind because I didn't write it down. However I am writing it now, so let's get started.

I bought the Quicksand Jack comics on March 23rd. I hadn't had a chance to get them until recently. Although the first issue had been out since October 4th and the second issue has been out since February 14th. I'm glad that I finally had the chance to get the comics.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Parallel by Heffron Drive

I had pre-ordered Parallel a few days ago. I got an email around 11pm last night letting me know that I can download Parallel. I didn't actually see it until after 1am. I downloaded the song and didn't have a chance to listen to it until this morning. I had no idea what the song sounded like at all. The only thing I knew was that Kendall Schmidt was the singer. Kendall started Heffron Drive back in 2008 with Dustin Belt when they met and realized that they both lived on the same street. Kendall ended up getting on the show/in the band Big Time Rush. Heffron Drive had to take a break with Kendall on the show and touring with the band. Although Dustin had the chance to be the touring guitarist for the band. Since the show is done, Heffron Drive can continue.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lea Michele: Louder

Lea Michele who is mostly known as Rachel Berry on the hit show Glee has just released an album. The album is called Louder, it came out yesterday on iTunes and in stores. I pre-ordered the "Deluxe Version" which does cost a little more, but you get three extra songs. From the looks of it on iTunes, you can buy those three extra songs individually, if you didn't buy the deluxe version.

Within 12 hours of the album being released, it topped the charts on iTunes (Canada).

Saturday, February 15, 2014


The first time I saw a trailer for the new Robocop movie, my first thought was "No, please don't ruin a classic".

Friday, February 14, 2014

Camp Takota

A week ago I pre-ordered a movie called Camp Takota. I only knew about it because I watch Grace Helbig on YouTube. I recently subscribed to Mamrie Hart and Hannah Hart a couple days ago. YouTube stars Grace, Hannah and Mamrie made a movie. Yes, that's right, they made a movie. How about I tell you the basic storyline.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Jackson Harris: Sharks and Vampires

For those, like me who have been waiting patiently for today. It's here! The release of Jackson Harris' album Sharks and Vampires. I bought it just before 11:30pm last night because I kept checking iTunes to find out if it was released early like other albums have been for other artists. I started spinning in my computer chair in excitement when I saw it was available. You can buy it here on iTunes now.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Sherlock Series 1-3

Sherlock is a television show on BBC One created by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat. It is a modern take on all the old Sherlock Holmes stories written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. I actually happen to have quite a few of those stories. Gatiss and Moffat have made Sherlock and Watson appeal more to the young adults and teens in this day and age. I also, am loving that Gatiss is playing Sherlock's brother, Mycroft. There is also the fun fact that Amanda Abbington who plays Mary is Martin Freeman's (John Watson) longtime partner.

Sherlock has always been one of the most interesting crime stories that I have had the experience of reading. The way that Gatiss and Moffat put little hints of the books in amongst the storyline is just brilliant. All three series (or seasons) of the show have been amazing. Benedict Cumberbatch makes an awesome Sherlock. I think out of all the people that I have seen play Sherlock, Benedict is the best.

Caution: Spoilers for those of you who haven't seen the show.